About Nora Markey

I grew up climbing cul-de-sac trees in Springfield, Massachusetts. Now, as a seasonal outdoor educator and full time dirtbag, I live all across the country— the deserts of California, the snowy Rocky Mountains, New Hampshire’s hardwood forest. So much of my songwriting is rooted in landscape.

Having studied creative writing, my lyrics and sonic world work together to tell stories. My greatest inspirations are Adriane Lenker, Joni Mitchell, and Allison Russell— brilliant women with a knack for turning heartache into beauty.

My musical background includes theatre, church choirs, and university courses. However, I gained the lion share of my musical knowledge from other musicians generous enough to let me play alongside them as I learned— late nights around campfires led to mentorships and porch jams turned into collaborations. Music is a gift I’ve been lucky enough to receive, and one I want to share with others. I play on stages, in bars, and on roadsides, but I still test new songs around a fires with friends strumming along.